Monday, January 04, 2010

World freezes into a popsicle as global warming proceeds apace

As Britain told to expect snow for 'next 10 days', how is the rest of the world is coping with this Arctic weather? | Mail Online: " Britain struggles to cope with the freezing weather conditions, other countries throughout the world are also finding themselves in the same predicament."
This weekend it was about zero to 5 above in the morning here in Lake County, IL. On Friday and Saturday we just froze all day but yesterday it warmed up to 15 or so. Can we have some global warming, please?


  1. No you cannot. It's winter.

  2. I'm looking forward to the time when winter is a thing of the past and we have summer all year around. Al Gore keeps promising this, but so far the winters just keep getting longer and colder.

  3. Al Gore has only made $1 million off this hoax so far. We need to keep the lie going a little longer. Folks out there are still sending him $$$$ to "reduce" their carbon footprints. Once the slow pokes catch on and realize that sending the Alster money is not going to change a damned thing except make them poorer and the Alster richer maybe, just maybe the economic benefit of this lie will fizzle, freeze or go up in smoke and we can return to a saner, less fearful state of being.

  4. More than 20 degrees celsius above normal in Labrador, where the sea hasn't even frozen yet (it usually freezes in December), and also way above normal temps throughout southern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, and indeed most of Canada, Alaska and northeastern Siberia as well. For every cold snap in progress there's offsetting warm weather right now, and probably more areas above normal than below. So I wouldn't get carried away drawing generalizations on the basis of suburban Chicago. We just happen to have a lot of snow and cold in several major media markets and college bowl game sites. Miami, Chicago, New York, London, Beijing, Seoul. You get the picture. With today's lazy journalists, if it snows on their desk, they'll write a story about it -- it's sort of a Pavlovian reaction.

  5. The AP just run a story on this topic: Experts: Cold snap doesn't disprove global warming
