Monday, January 11, 2010

White House opens door to money talks with financially strapped states | D.C. Now | Los Angeles Times

White House opens door to money talks with financially strapped states | D.C. Now | Los Angeles Times: "Facing criticism about how healthcare overhaul will hurt already financially strapped states, the White House today left the door open for working with state leaders to deal with their problems.

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has been leading the charge to get more federal funds for his state, hoping to fill a $19.9-billion hole. The governor argues that California should get $6.9 billion from the federal government."

It seems that some governors are ticked off that Nebraska got a big pot of Medicare money as part of Obama, Inc., buying Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson's vote. Now the White House is willing to "talk" about doing the same for everybody else. And if they give money to California, don't they have to copy that all around as well? There are 50 of these little hungry mouths to feed, and 2/3 of them are in rocky financial shape.

Thanks to Fred Pilot for this LA Times link.

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