Monday, January 25, 2010

Some Foundations, Too, Are Quitting California | California Progress Report

Some Foundations, Too, Are Quitting California | California Progress Report: "Gates and Hewlett, two leading foundations that have been generous supporters of major California programs and organizations in education and many other fields are said to be so frustrated by the state’s lack of leadership, its legislative gridlock and the power of public sector unions in blocking reforms that they’re sharply reducing their funding in California.

Although no one will speak on the record, it’s no secret among state education officials and leaders of at least some of the organizations that have been beneficiaries of those foundations that they will probably lose major chunks of their funding. Both foundations, said a Sacramento-based education consultant, “Have in many ways given up on California.”"

At this rate the Mayan Calendar Doom of 2012 will hit California after there's nobody left to doom. Thanks to Fred Pilot for this depressing story.

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