Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Second judge at odds with district attorney -

Second judge at odds with district attorney - "A veteran North County judge who last month openly criticized the District Attorney’s Office for not following rules for turning over evidence to defense lawyers is now being called biased by prosecutors who want him off the case.

A court hearing on the simmering conflict between longtime Superior Court Judge Harry M. Elias and prosecutors is scheduled for this morning in Vista, days after the District Attorney’s Office ended a months-long boycott against a judge in downtown San Diego."

I worked in the Vista branch office of the San Diego County DAs office for about two years, and I knew Harry Elias then because he was a deputy DA, and one of the hardest-charging prosecutors and most ethical prosecutors I ever saw. It is just bizarre to see the DAs office butting heads with him. The issue of not turning over exculpatory evidence is pretty serious. I don't know the details beyond what's in the article, but it is baffling to see a conflict like this develop.

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