Friday, January 29, 2010

Duncan: Katrina Was The "Best Thing" for New Orleans School System - Political Punch

Duncan: Katrina Was The "Best Thing" for New Orleans School System - Political Punch: "ABC News' Mary Bruce Reports: Education Secretary Arne Duncan said today that Hurricane Katrina was “the best thing that happened to the education system in New Orleans” because it gave the city a chance to rebuild and improve its failing public schools."
Now just imagine for one second that any Republican in the entire nation had said that.

1 comment:

  1. I think a good many of them did during the Bush admin -- and got similarly let off the hook.

    On another note, however, I find it interesting that the members of this administration whose competence is most questionable are those who were born and raised in Chicago. There's a similar tendency in the IL Republican primary fields this year. I chalk it up to people's existence being overly defined by the machine, either in supine support or fanatical opposition. It deranges folks from here and they don't even know it, but those who are from elsewhere seem to be better able to deal with it objectively. That's my hypothesis, anyway.
