Monday, December 21, 2009

Sacramento's fast-tracking of projects hits snag - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Sacramento's fast-tracking of projects hits snag - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee: "Underfunded cities and counties have struggled to keep up with demand for residential and commercial inspections and plan reviews. And owners of large projects have long chafed at too much oversight and burdensome delays.

That conflict helped produce the city's fast-track program. And while the idea of green-lighting some makeovers with only verbal authority alarmed some people, the plan's backers said the program did not compromise public safety or work quality."

Oh, no. Of course not. Perish the thought.

1 comment:

  1. California is the land of fruits and nuts. The governator has been unable to follow up with his campaign promises because of lack of experience and a democratically controlled legislature. In addition, Maria has his balls in a jar. He has to answer to Kennedy thinking.

    Besides the stuff mentioned in the article, a disaster will befall California within the next two years with a collapse of the commercial real estate market, bringing down additional banks, and there is a lot more foreclosures coming to be handled one way or another.

    Those who say things are getting better are liars.

    California will have to go through bankruptcy.
