Thursday, November 19, 2009

UIC News - University prepares for cuts in state funds

UIC News - University prepares for cuts in state funds: "As of Nov. 2, the university has billed the state for $317 million of its appropriation, but has only received about $400,000."
And that's why we are now about to get hit with a budget rescission to the tune of $45 million. That's coming out of the budget we had for this year, which is well underway.

The state of Illinois is a fiscal basket case, and so are at least nine other states. I am not aware of any other time in memory when government budgets at all levels--federal, state, and local--have been so far out of balance. There is no pocket to get the money from. Governments are insolvent and the taxpayers are already economically stressed to the max.

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