Thursday, November 12, 2009

Police Defend, Lie About Devices That Extract Money From and Cause Bodily Harm to Citizens - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Police Defend, Lie About Devices That Extract Money From and Cause Bodily Harm to Citizens - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine: "We looked at every accident at every red light camera intersection for six months of data before the cameras were installed and six months after.

The final figures? Twenty of the 32 intersections show accidents up after the cameras were installed! Three remained the same and only nine intersections showed accidents decreasing.

The problem? Motorists see the cameras flash, slam on their brakes, and get rear-ended."

I am pretty much convinced that red light cameras are simply a revenue-raising scheme hatched by the companies that make the equipment and sold to cities with budget problems. The safety rationale seems to be fictitious. It is just about money.

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