Sunday, November 29, 2009

Experts have beef with Daley on TIF :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State

Experts have beef with Daley on TIF :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State: "According to the city's own figures, nearly $500 million a year is diverted from the regular pool of property tax money heading toward Chicago schools, libraries parks, police, etc., into the obscure TIF funds, which are designed to promote development in “blighted” areas.

Daley’s TIF program is controversial because in addition to “blighted” areas on the West Side and other economically challenged areas, the mayor has used a novel definition of “blighted” to include parts of booming downtown."

Yes--Daley uses TIF districts to divert tax money from the schools and other general government expenditures into the places where his crooked friends are building things. Then he lies about it to the local press. Then he gets re-elected. That's been the pattern so far.

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