Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Drive-bys in the Poconos

Update: Police search for suspect in drive-by shooting of 17-year-old in Emerald Lakes Monday | "LONG POND -- Police are seeking the public's help with an apparent drive-by shooting of a 17-year-old teen as he rode a motorized scooter on Glade Drive South in the Emerald Lakes private community Monday night...The Emerald Lakes development was the scene of another shooting over the weekend in which four people were wounded outside a private party around 12:45 a.m. Sunday."
Hmmmmm. Private parties, private by shootings?
Thanks to Cynthia Stephens for this link.


  1. In my opinion the problems in some of these "communities," appear to be ignored. If you look at some of the "issues," and "cases," ie: suspected targeting and terrorizing of disabled and other populations, other acts of discrimination, foreclosures by associations who have no right to foreclose, knowingly fictitious lawsuits against innocent homeowners (of course with the attorney involvement), and on and on...
    There was a recent story in the local paper about the "foreclosures." I will provide a few of the comments and the link to the story.
    For a long time the homeowners in some of these groups have been screaming for help and active, legitimate investigations. Robert Metcalf has written numerous articles about the HOA/COA problem in Pennsylvania and has appeared on Shu Bartholomew's show, along with other's from Penn. When these abusive groups and their friends are legitimately investigated and held accountable, it will be a great service to any community.
    I am not sure why these issues have been allowed to endure, but in recent history Scranton, PA, had the "kids for cash," scandal and injustice to so many. Those judges and their associates are serving jail time and as many as 6,000 + cases may need to be re-heard, I read. In my opinion, the areas of Penn. where these abusive groups have been allowed to do their dirty work, and literally steal homes with no one to stop them, the scam should be called "homes for handshakes."

    Foreclosure statistic article: Foreclosures filed on ONE day (980 +) all but nine were in an HOA/COA/CID....
    Member Since: 2/28/2007
    Total posts: 60
    Two comments from the article: On Aug 23, 2009 at 03:39 PM, smiths said:
    "all but nine are located in private gated communities."
    Well, I wonder what this tells us? An ongoing problem with many in the MSM is that the foreclosure numbers are continually talked about and quoted, but most reporters FAIL, or REFUSE to tell the reader WHO is foreclosing. A lender, and abusive association, their neighbor, or other, who is part of one of the numbers of CID foreclosure scams? Is it that people are not supposed to be smart enough at this point in time, to know that their "neighbors" and hired talent can create enough conflict, file fictitious lawsuits, and the like, to fine, assess and foreclose upon their home? In many cases, I believe, these situations are implemented because someone doesn't like someone (really, in my opinion and experience, these appear to be acts of discrimination, hate, retaliation). That simple. Well, I guess, maybe this publication should enlighten our representatives, and other elected officials, along with the general population. There is more than enough information available. Are these forced foreclosures legal? I hear they are not, but if no one knows, who is the wiser?

    13 of 25
    On Aug 23, 2009 at 05:26 PM, HGosh said:
    First of all, in Monroe County, we have what is known as a "rocket docket". Complaints in, Decisions out without the Judge looking at the issues. If the bank says its so, its so! How many people know that if a foreclosure is brought in the name of MERS that MERS has NO standing to foreclose? How many people know that if the foreclosure is brought in the name of the servicer, the servicer has NO standing to foreclose? How many people know that if the foreclosure is brought in the name of a Trustee, the Trustee may or may not have standing to foreclose, depending on the PSA? How many people even know what a PSA is and how to access it? How many people know that many of the "fees" that are charged are ILLEGAL? Are they aware that many of the documents produced by the various entities are fradulent? Do the Judges know? Maybe, maybe not, but as long as we have a "rocket docket" who cares?
    My post (anonymous) comment to this blogger:
    I beleive this blogger has a point and I do not believe this judiciary cares who, how, when or why a homeowner is made homeless, scam, or no scam.

  2. A City Limits article from a few years back is a real eye opener about some of these issues in this area of Pennsylvania and it appears the title may say it best:

    By Debbie Nathan,

    "Lured by the promise of cheap homes in the Poconos, hundreds of ex-New Yorkers fall prey to a real estate scam."

    Entire article:

    Al Wilson, Formerly with Pocono Homeowner Defense Association:
    "Monroe County must be cleaned up," he says. "It's the Wild Wild West here."

    In addition, isn't this this where even the non-existantant HOA's/COA's foreclosed? Landmark study, "The Monroe Foreclosure Study, etc," and where women are told "they have no rights in the courts, unless they ( the woman) can pay for them," and "lying under oath," in the courts, "is in your best interest." Maybe, an Asaociation Board member, or two, can make up any charge, to foreclose,from some of the stories I have seen.
    The Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission should be investigating these cases by assopciation Boards and especially when they happen to women and vulnerable populations.
    Those responsible should go to jail.

    The Good Lord knows this country needs help!

  3. Aside from the outrageous foreclosures, fines, assessments, and related scams, how many acts of violence does his add up to?
