Wednesday, October 07, 2009

San Rafael partners with Peacock Gap neighborhood group on median maintenance - Marin Independent Journal

San Rafael partners with Peacock Gap neighborhood group on median maintenance - Marin Independent Journal: "Despite some community objections, the San Rafael City Council signed off on a landscape maintenance pact with a Peacock Gap neighborhood group that could be the way of things to come.

The council on Monday unanimously approved a city partnership with the Peacock Gap Homeowners Association that puts maintenance of the neighborhood's long-neglected medians and other landscaping in city hands with $80,000 of neighborhood funding.

The city will use funding from the association to improve the medians with new irrigation systems and landscaping.

'With all the budget cuts, we are forced to come up with creative solutions to come up with services,' said city spokeswoman Terri Hardesty. 'This is a great example. It could be the beginning of many more partnerships.'"

Like I keep saying, HOAs are becoming the lowest level of local government. Thanks to Fred Pilot for this link.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good partnership but it didn't start out that way. On 1/1/2007 a small group of homeowners decided they wanted the street medians landscaped. The board of directors imposed a $200 assessment on each home. There was no homeowner’s vote, business case or financial plan. Based on our CC&Rs, By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation they did not have the legal right to do this assessment. Eighteen months later they presented a vote to the homeowners for another $40 for the maintenance of the landscape. This also was an illegal vote as it represented only 37% of the homeowners...our CC&Rs require a 2/3rd majority. Once again the board of directors are ignoring all the rules. After many protest, one of the board members said “if you don’t like it sue us”. So who really owns the Association????
