Friday, October 02, 2009

Chicago Loses 2016 Olympic Bid -

Chicago Loses 2016 Olympic Bid - "COPENHAGEN, Denmark (CBS) ―Despite four years, millions of dollars in planning and a last-ditch pitch from President Obama, the Chicago 2016 Olympic bid ultimately fell short.

The City of Chicago was eliminated in the first round of voting, before any host city was selected."

Quite a blow to Mayor Daley, President Obama and the First Lady, and The Oprah, although I don't think it was any mistake on their parts that led to this debacle. The way I see it, Chicago didn't deserve the Olympics because of the rancid corruption, bad public institutions, and the crime that is allowed to make many neighborhoods war zones for kids. I'm not saying Rio is better in those dimensions, but Chicago is not in an emerging nation like Brazil. There is no excuse for these problems here. The Chicago Machine should have been rooted out long ago but Daley and his cronies just refuse to change the way they do business, no matter how many of them go to federal prison. They would have stolen untold billions between now and 2016. Now they will have to find some other way to make a dishonest living. I'm not shedding any tears.

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