Monday, October 12, 2009

Chávez Fans Push to Remove Legacies of U.S. Capitalism - Golf Courses -

Chávez Fans Push to Remove Legacies of U.S. Capitalism - Golf Courses - "“Let’s leave this clear,” Mr. Chávez said during a live broadcast of his Sunday television program. “Golf is a bourgeois sport,” he said, repeating the word “bourgeois” as if he were swallowing castor oil. Then he went on, mocking the use of golf carts as a practice illustrating the sport’s laziness.

The government’s broad nationalizations and asset seizures have gone far beyond the oil industry to include coffee roasters, cattle ranches and tomato-processing plants."

Firs they came for the coffee roasters and people said nothing. Then it was the cattle ranches and the tomato processing plants, and still people said nothing.

Then they came for the golf courses! And that was the start of the Revolution!



  1. Coffee Roasters?? Doesn't Chavez know coffee is the elixir of revolution?

  2. Wait, what? The president of Venezuela is seizing COFFEE ROASTERS? Isn't coffee one of Venezuela's more important crops?

    I just googled this question, and apparently coffee ISN'T an important crop anymore. Don't know if this website is accurate but it sure fits with the NYT story. Creepy.
