Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Apartment residents told to take down U.S. flags | KATU.com - News, Weather and Sports - Portland, Oregon | Local & Regional

Apartment residents told to take down U.S. flags | KATU.com - News, Weather and Sports - Portland, Oregon | Local & Regional: "Resident we talked to who had been approached to take down their flags all told us the same thing: that management told them the flags could be offensive because they live in a diverse community."
And this really is a ban on flags, in all forms, all places, all manners of display. It seems that for this apartment building owner, any trace of patriotism might cause a conflict.


  1. I've heard this "diverse country" argument before, and it is IDIOTIC. First of all, what do these people think the flag stands for, anyway? To me, it stands for American values that INCLUDE individual rights and a respect for diversity. Show me a country that values diversity more than we do. Second of all, let's say one of your rights is violated and you wind up in court. What will be displayed in the courtroom? AN AMERICAN FLAG.

  2. Well, we don't know the context. Perhaps the person (people?) who were asked to take down the flags were complete "love it or leave it" loud mouth jerks. Perhaps the flags were being used as some form of intimidation toward other people who lived there?

    The point is there is probably a lot more to the story than is being told.

    That said, perhaps the landlord was just trying to head off retaliation, etc. The temptation to burn a flag as expressive speech in a common area of the building might be too much to resist for some.

    Apartment buildings should be apolitical. I've never heard this applying to the flag, but again, who knows what the context was?
