Tuesday, September 22, 2009

South Carolina legislators say HOA bill to come back - Local - The Sun News

Lawmakers in Little River say HOA bill to come back - Local - The Sun News: "Edge said he would like to see an HOA bill that deals with openness of meetings and finances.

'Those are two things I think are critical to any HOA bill that passes,' Edge said. 'We'll need to figure out how it can be enforced, such as severe penalties.'

Elliott said 'hopefully we can make some progress this year' on the HOA bill."


  1. I wonder what trade-lobby group will hire umpteen lobbyists to oppose and compromise any open meetings and open records legislation? Undoubtedly, CAI will be there to argue against open meetings and open records because of the alleged "burdens" it will put on associations. The beneficiaries of secrecy are often the vendors of the association who will seek to maintain those benefits by lobbying for secrecy. Let's see what happens!

  2. Make sure penalties may be applied to AGENTS of the HOA.
