Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Resident of gated community shot, sues HOA and manager

Man sues gated communityThe Four Maples condominium complex in the Donelson area has a gate that requires residents to swipe a pass or remotely unlock it for visitors. But Marquette Weaver said in a lawsuit filed in Davidson County Circuit Court that the gate meant to keep non-residents out was not working in June and had been broken for a month prior. That’s when people broke into his home at 2 a.m. and shot him several times, Weaver said, and he’s seeking $750,000 in damages, saying the home invaders couldn’t have gotten near his Coursey Drive home.
There is this strange legal paradox that the more effort you go through to make things safe, the more responsibility you take on when things turn out not to be safe enough. Thanks to Fred Pilot for this link.

1 comment:

  1. This could well play out in other courts, turning on the question of whether the gates are primarily an exclusivity amenity or a form of security and safety. Another paradox re the latter category: the gates often delay emergency responders, potentially jeopardizing security and safety.
