Monday, September 21, 2009

Mesa widow vs. HOA over caregiver grandson | Mesa Arizona News - Mesa News - Mesa AZ news |

Mesa widow vs. HOA over caregiver grandson | Mesa Arizona News - Mesa News - Mesa AZ news | "Virginia Campbell says she can't live alone.

At age 87, she can't open a jar, has taken nasty spills just walking around the house and doesn't even trust herself to drive beyond her neighborhood, the age-restricted Sunland Village in Mesa. The perfect solution seemed to come by having her 37-year-old grandson live with her as a caregiver.

Campbell's homeowners association says she can have somebody live with her - just not her grandson. The homeowner association rules let an adult child live with a parent who is 55 or older - but not a grandchild."

Is it possible for an HOA to exceed this level of absurdity? The bar has now been set very high. Thanks to Beth for this link.

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