Sunday, September 20, 2009

Defensible Space Important For Fighting Wildfires - San Diego News Story - KGTV San Diego

Defensible Space Important For Fighting Wildfires - San Diego News Story - KGTV San Diego: "The slope behind Wolf’s home is beautiful, full of a variety of colorful plants and trees. Problem is those trees and plants are full of fuel and if a fire strikes, Wolf is afraid the fire department won’t have a chance.

So, just go ahead and clear them, right? Wrong. The land is owned and controlled by a homeowner’s association, the Community Association of Bernardo Heights. Wolf says despite repeated requests and complaints, the CABH refuses to do proper brush clearance on the land."

The Fire Department says 100 feet should be cleared around properties like this, but the HOA sees it differently.


  1. A little attitude adjustmentSeptember 20, 2009 at 7:08:00 PM CDT

    And the HOA will see it differently again when insurers start canceling coverage and the local authorities issue citations. And der gubenator holds a press conference there to make an example of the HOA of what not to do during peak fire season.

  2. That's little consolation to the involuntary members that have no choice but to fund the HOAs conduct under threat of fine and foreclosure on their homes.
