Sunday, September 27, 2009

Bear Invasion! Aspen Sees Tenfold Increase in Bear Sightings - ABC News

Bear Invasion! Aspen Sees Tenfold Increase in Bear Sightings - ABC News: "Officials are now concerned that across Colorado too many wild bears have developed a tasted for human food and are getting used to people. They are now actively telling residents to be, literally, mean to the bears. Yell at them, throw rocks and if they charge you, stand up to them.

'You want to be as big, as large as possible, and you always want to fight back with a black bear,' said Hampton. Black bears tend to be timid and are generally not aggressive."

If they charge at you, stand up to them? I see. You go first, sir. I will be right behind you, agreeing with everything you say as you stand up to the charging black bear. Until I begin sprinting in the opposite direction.

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