Thursday, August 06, 2009

Refrigerator Recycling Programs Take Off - Green Inc. Blog -

Refrigerator Recycling Programs Take Off - Green Inc. Blog - "Programs that allow homeowners to trade in their old refrigerators and scoop up a rebate — a sort of “cash for clunkers” system for the fridge — are spreading quickly across the country."
Why not just cut straight to "the guvmint will buy all your old stuff," and have one big national yard sale where the feds drive up the street and give us cash on the barrel head for all our outdated cars, appliances, and furniture? Then we can replace it all with "green" stuff.


  1. What about those used up condo developments -- a cash for clunker condos program?

  2. Great idea. You could sell your unit to the feds for a cash credit that you can use to buy a unit in an environmentally sensitive, limited equity, government-run housing cooperative!
