Sunday, August 09, 2009

Neighborhood rules can trump solar power -

Neighborhood rules can trump solar power - "WOODBURY, Minn., Aug. 9 (UPI) -- Folks in a Minnesota city say a homeowners association is blocking their plans to install solar-power panels purely because of the way they look.

The dispute was the topic of a recent planning commission meeting in the St. Paul suburb of Woodbury where neighborhood aesthetics were a big issue in the 'greening' of the community, about 70 percent of which is under the jurisdiction of a homeowners' association."

Clotheslines, solar panels, water-saving landscaping, satellite dishes, pickup trucks, flags, signs, mezuzahs...don't these HOA directors have lives of their own to attend to?


  1. Sure doesn't sound like the ideal Libertarian local government, does it?

  2. Do you ever wonder what America would be like today if at the turn of the century the HOAs were as prevalent as today and imposed their corporate cultural thinking upon us all.

    I guess we wouldn’t have cars, trucks, electricity, TV’s or radio just to name a few. Because the cars don’t look good in public sight along with power polls, antenna’s and towers since HOA Boards and committee members “say they are” esthetically displeasing according to the corporate cultures thinking.

    Consequently we would still be lighting our homes with candles and have no TV to watch movies or news. So therefore we would never know or could even imagine the possibilities of having electricity or cell phones. Because a group of people believe that their corporate cultural thinking is correct and the best for all.

    Everything evolves, the power lines were eventually put underground, TV antenna’s have been largely replaced by cable and satellite equipment but if it were left up to the HOA corporate culture the evolution would have never even happened. Now you understand why early America abandoned this “fundamentally unworkable” type of centralized corporate thinking in favor of the Constitution of the United States of America under Democratic participatory thinking, by all.
