Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My Way News - RI gov to shut down state government for 12 days

My Way News - RI gov to shut down state government for 12 days: "The shutdown will force 81 percent of the roughly 13,550-member state work force, excluding its college system, to stay home a dozen days without pay before the start of the new fiscal year in July.

The closures come as the worst recession in decades has eliminated hundreds of millions of dollars in tax collections and pushed unemployment to 12.7 percent, the second-highest jobless rate in the nation behind Michigan.

Carcieri predicted the state's fiscal future could grow even bleaker."

I wonder how many states will have these shutdowns. Maybe I should start a "Government Shutdown Blog."

1 comment:

  1. Can we shut down Washington for a year or two? Our liberties would be safe for a while and they wouldn't be destroying any hope for economic recovery.
