Monday, August 10, 2009

Lost in Translation: Clinton Says She, Not Bill, is the Secretary of State - Political Punch

Lost in Translation: Clinton Says She, Not Bill, is the Secretary of State - Political Punch
A Congolese student asked Hillary Clinton, through a translator, what President Obama thought of some trade deal between China and the Congo. The translator goofed and said "Mr. Clinton" instead of "Mr. Obama." Hillary Clinton then proceeded to vent her sarcastic spleen at the student (of the male persuasion) for the crime of asking her to "channel" her husband, saying, "My husband is not Secretary of State. I am." Watch the video to get the full pants-suited, 1970s-feminist snarkyness of her response.

But those who understood the original question as being about what Obama thought must have been puzzled by her response. Clinton started referring to "my husband," based on the translator's mistake, and that must have sent some people's brains spinning. They must think that (a) she is married to Barack Obama, and (b) she doesn't give a rip what he thinks about foreign policy.

ps: I think Hillary Clinton is doing a good job overall as Secretary of State, notwithstanding the prickly demeanor that cost her votes during the primary season.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like Hillary has some issues she needs to resolve with her husband.
