Thursday, August 06, 2009

Fannie Mae seeks $10.7B in US aid after 2Q loss - Yahoo! Finance

Fannie Mae seeks $10.7B in US aid after 2Q loss - Yahoo! Finance: "The mortgage finance company, seized by federal regulators last September, posted a second-quarter loss of $15.2 billion, or $2.67 per share, including $411 million in dividend payouts. That compares with a loss of $2.6 billion, or $2.54 per share, in the year-ago period.

The government, which seized control of Fannie Mae and its sibling Freddie Mac last September, has already spent about $85 billion to prop up the two companies."

How does this sound? "We are dependent on the continued support of the Treasury in order to continue operating our business." Thus spake Fannie Mae.

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