Monday, August 31, 2009

Examiner Editorial: Why Democrats won’t cross trial lawyers | San Francisco Examiner

Examiner Editorial: Why Democrats won’t cross trial lawyers | San Francisco Examiner: "In the ranking by of campaign contributions by the top 100 special interests during the past 20 years, the American Association for Justice — formerly the Association of Trial Lawyers of America — ranks sixth. The AAJ is trial lawyers’ Washington lobbying group, and 90 percent of its $30.7 million in contributions since 1989 went to Democrats."
And as Howard Dean said, this is why the health care reform package will include zero limitations on medical malpractice lawsuits. Med mal tort reform would reduce the incentive to waste money on expensive tests and procedures (defensive medicine) and insurance premiums would go down for MDs.

Whenever this is pointed out, Democrats in Congress change the subject. Obama said in his talk to the AMA that he doesn't want it. It ought to be part of whatever Congress passes, but it won't. And there is exactly one reason. Lawyer money to Democrats.

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