Monday, August 31, 2009

Commercial Real Estate Lurks as Next Potential Mortgage Crisis -

Commercial Real Estate Lurks as Next Potential Mortgage Crisis - "Federal Reserve and Treasury officials are scrambling to prevent the commercial-real-estate sector from delivering a roundhouse punch to the U.S. economy just as it struggles to get up off the mat.

Their efforts could be undermined by a surge in foreclosures of commercial property carrying mortgages that were packaged and sold by Wall Street as bonds. Similar mortgage-backed securities created out of home loans played a big role in undoing that sector and triggering the global economic recession. Now the $700 billion of commercial-mortgage-backed securities outstanding are being tested for the first time by a massive downturn, and the outcome so far hasn't been pretty."

I've posted on this before as a likely development, and now the vacancy rate and delinquency rate are way up.

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