Monday, August 31, 2009

Climate Change Ups the Odds of Deadly Heat - Environmental Defense Fund

Climate Change Ups the Odds of Deadly Heat - Environmental Defense Fund: "Global warming doesn't just mean warmer weather. It also means we'll see more instances of extreme warm weather, often in the form of heat waves."
For those who keep denying that environmentalists claim heat waves are evidence of global warming, take a look at this. I could supply any number of similar examples. Every time there is unusual heat anyplace in the world, out they come and say the same things. But of course when somebody like me points out examples of cool weather, suddenly the environmentalists say that such events prove nothing. Fine. I agree. But the point is that we should have one rule for everybody instead of a double standard. Perhaps the EDF and the rest of the fear-mongers could be consistent and shut up about heat waves.

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