Thursday, August 27, 2009

Anger reigns over dress code | | Palladium-Item

Anger reigns over dress code | | Palladium-Item: "The school board approved revisions to RCS' dress code by a 5-2 vote in May after school officials said they were unable to enforce a less restrictive code last school year. Why? To create a 'culture of success' that focuses students on learning instead of fashion.

The result has been a doozy for families. While the revisions allow for students to wear jeans, and hooded sweatshirts, the clothing must contain solid colors only -- unless they promote RCS or its programs. Low-cut shirts, anything not considered a crew neck, is also prohibited, along with other baggy or tight-fitting clothing.

As a result of the dress code, Richmond High School officials suspended 239 students during the first week of school. Principal Barb Bergdoll orchestrated the iron-fist approach to show students that her staff was taking the dress code seriously."

Solid colors only. Of course we all know that no school can function with kids wearing striped shirts.


  1. Striped shirts lower property values, Evan! Where have you been? Besides, if these people don't want to abide by the rules, they shouldn't live in that district. Sheesh.

  2. The students of course chose to attend school there and "knew the policy" when they made that decision. Especially the kindergarteners and first graders that this policy has been extended to.

    While on this theme of democracy, the school should adopt a policy for locker searches. After all, a student might be keeping a striped sweater in their locker and such a policy would be needed to protect the uniform scheme applied to all students.

    The school should seek to regulate conduct off-campus by suspending students seen wearing non-compliant clothing off campus. Otherwise the student's attire could drag down the reputation of the school and prevent other good students from attending there. No one wants to attend a school where students might be permitted to wear clothing that is striped, plaid, or has a floral print.

    Of course the exception to the rule is that the student can wear clothing that promotes RCS or its programs. Perhaps the students should wear an RCS shirt with striped, floral, or plaid pants/skirt off-campus. Better yet, why support the school at all by buying clothing that promotes the school?

  3. Let's see:
    They have compulsory school attendance and failure to attend is truancy for which the parents can be held criminally accountable - but it's their choice to go to school...

    But when they "choose" to go to school, they are obligated to abide by arbitrary and capricious dress codes imposed by governmental authorities - else they are dismissed and subject to other penalties.

    Sounds like another familiar scheme. Imposition of oppressive standards under the pretext of aesthetics or good for the community - the violation of which results in fines that the "community" relies upon for its existence. Pretty soon, the rules just become more oppressive in the interest of generating more fines.
