Saturday, July 18, 2009

What's really behind Obama's sudden plea for troubled health reforms today | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

What's really behind Obama's sudden plea for troubled health reforms today | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times: "Obama insists Congress get a healthcare reform program drafted before its members leave on Aug. 7 for their next long vacation. Why? Because members may get an earful back home from the 70% of Americans who say they are satisfied with their healthcare plans and the estimated 98% who don't want higher taxes to pay for reforms that benefit others now and maybe them later someday, who knows.

And if Obama doesn't get his beloved healthcare reforms this year when his party has such firm control of both chambers of Congress, 2010 is a midterm election year when such immense spending will be even more controversial and when, historically, the White House party loses members in Congress. (And unemployment rates are predicted to continue rising.)"

How about that? Obama's belief, and that of the Axelrod-Emanuel-Pelosi-Reid combine that enables him, is that this massive redesign of the American health care system must be passed by Congress before the people have a chance to tell their legislative representatives what they think of it. He would prefer that the representatives and senators pass it without even reading it themselves.

The truth behind all Obama's power to the people rhetoric is that he has no more respect for democracy than did his predecessor in office. He thinks we are a selfish, primitive, rabble and need to have our lives organized for us by the federal government, led by...guess who?

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