Thursday, July 09, 2009

USDA to oversee school snack food: Senate ag chair | Health | Reuters

USDA to oversee school snack food: Senate ag chair | Health | Reuters: "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Agriculture Department would be given the power to regulate all food sold in schools -- including vending machine snacks -- when Congress renews child nutrition programs, the chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee said on Tuesday."
All food sold in all schools. In the entire USA. Regulated by the federal government.


  1. Just make sure to include nutrition labels at the next bake sale or spaghetti dinner.

  2. Ugh, don't get me started on the bake sales. For "safety" reasons, my kids' school district forbids the sale of home-baked food at bake sales. We're also forbidden to bring home-baked food to class parties. Everything must come in a commercial package.

    So before every bake sale, the PTA moms gather around the sale table, rip open the bags of chips ahoy (or whatever), and repackage those cookies into smaller zip loc bags. Then everyone pays too much to buy crappy food THAT IS NO SAFER THAN HOME-BAKED food.

    It isn't "safe" for so many of us to be handling the prepackaged food as we repackage it, and evildoers can adulterate store-bought food just as easily as home-baked food.

    But--we do have nutrition labels handy. You can get a complete list of all the preservatives and artificial flavorings and industrial fats you will be buying, just like at your local 7-11. And we have extra packaging to throw in the landfill, too.

    Spaghetti dinners don't happen at all, possibly in part because school cafeterias don't have facilities for cooking anymore--just for box opening and reheating.
