Tuesday, July 07, 2009

U.S. mortgage fraud 'rampant' and growing-FBI | Markets | Bonds News | Reuters

U.S. mortgage fraud 'rampant' and growing-FBI | Markets | Bonds News | Reuters: "SAN FRANCISCO, July 7 (Reuters) - U.S. mortgage fraud reports jumped 36 percent last year as desperate homeowners and industry professionals tried to maintain their standard of living from the boom years, the FBI said on Tuesday.

Suspicious activity reports rose to 63,713 in fiscal year 2008, which ended last September, from 46,717 the year before. California and Florida, centers of the housing bust, had the highest numbers of suspicious reports as foreclosures jumped, the stock market dropped and credit dried up."

If middle class home owners are ever going to organize themselves to influence public policy, this should be the time. If not, there will not be enough meat on their bones to bait a fish hook.

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