Saturday, July 25, 2009

Raleigh takes on parking in yards - Local & State - News & Observer

Raleigh takes on parking in yards - Local & State - News & Observer: "Among the opponents is Councilman Philip Isley, who says this is the latest and most egregious attempt by the city to tell residents what they can and can't do on their own property.

'This is beyond the nanny state,' Isley said. 'This is a homeowners association on steroids.'"

First they came for the cars in the front yards, and I said nothing. Then they came for the refrigerators in the back yards, and I said nothing. And when they came for the trailer in the driveway that my brother in law was living in, it was too late!

1 comment:

  1. Calling Jeff Foxworthy! Southern Redneck culture is under attack!
