Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Leahy explains his "wise Latina" misquote, but the video shows... | Washington Examiner

Leahy explains his "wise Latina" misquote, but the video shows... | Washington Examiner: "After the hearings were over Tuesday, I asked Leahy about the misquote. 'I was doing it from memory,' Leahy explained. 'But I knew that she would -- she stated exactly what she said, and the statement is in the record.' Leahy added that he did not consider Sotomayor's precise words very important; her response, he said, was much more critical.

That's Leahy's explanation. But video of his question is available on YouTube, and it certainly appears that Leahy was reading from a text when he misquoted Sotomayor"

It seems that after people have been in law and politics for a while they lose any connection with the idea of "the truth" as most people understand it. Instead, they think that any lie they can get away with by any means is morally indistinguishable from the truth. Leahy was lying yesterday about what she said, and now he is lying today about what he did. Yet, he is just as self-righteous as ever.

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