Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Homeowner Associations Wield Great Power Amid Foreclosures - News Story - KTVU San Francisco

Homeowner Associations Wield Great Power Amid Foreclosures - News Story - KTVU San Francisco: "Often, the homeowners association will hire a collection agency to do the work for them. Those collection agencies are usually part of law firms that represent Homeowners associations and may do foreclosures.

Many homeowners complain they're being abused by collection agencies that run up huge collection fees that can be four or five times the amount originally owed.

Tax attorney Michael Hamersley of El Dorado Hills said he faces foreclosure because the collection agency his homeowners association hired demands more than $2,000 for an overdue assessment of just $226.

In Oakland, condo owner Brenda Fuller said she fell behind on her homeowners dues after she went on temporary disability.

“They would have taken my house,” explained Fuller.

Homeowner advocate Marjorie Murray said in both cases collection agencies began foreclosures."

Check out Marjorie Murray's organization--the Center for California Homeowner Association Law

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