Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Glenmore group thinks treasurer absconded with $666,446 | Charlottesville Daily Progress

Glenmore group thinks treasurer absconded with $666,446 | Charlottesville Daily Progress: "An audit of the Glenmore Community Association’s finances has discovered nearly $700,000 missing from the operating and reserve accounts of the luxury neighborhood’s homeowners association.

The missing funds are the latest twist in the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Michael Comer, who was treasurer of the homeowners association and president of the Glenmore Country Club.
Comer, 45, did not show up for a meeting on the morning of July 1 to discuss a financial audit of the association’s finances for 2008."

Isolated instance.

1 comment:

  1. Intriguing dollar amount of the loss given James Alexander's rant calling HOAs the Antichrist.
