Tuesday, July 21, 2009

CRITTERS: Quite a Response to Haley vs. Willoughby Park HOA - StarNewsOnline.com

CRITTERS: Quite a Response to Haley vs. Willoughby Park HOA - StarNewsOnline.com: "I want to thank everyone who has responded to the column about the Willoughby Park HOA board's efforts to evict Haley, the 13-year-old dog.

The responses on the Critters Blog, in the StarNews forum and via e-mail have been unanimous in noting the injustice being done to Haley, Paige Cole and Brian Brian Niemcvyk.

I'll have a lot more to say about this particular case and on the issue of some HOA boards far overstepping their bounds - in next Saturday's Animals Tales column and back here in the Critters Blog."

Cynthia Stephens sent this update from a local columnist who is tracking the case.

1 comment:

  1. This is a terribly sad situation. I believe what is worse, is that so many vulnerable populations have been targeted in this manner, to be foreclosed upon, in abusive associations. Maybe this outrageous action against an innocent, lovable dog, will wake people up to see what is truly happening to their own. If an association is assessing and foreclosing upon anyone, especially the elderly, disabled, single parent home, veteran, etc., I would suspect foul play. Many abusive association board members and their hired talent prey on the vulnerable.
