Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Conservative kiosk not allowed at mall | | Local News for Charlotte, North Carolina | Top Stories

Conservative kiosk not allowed at mall | | Local News for Charlotte, North Carolina | Top Stories: "At the end of July, Free Market Warrior will not be allowed at Concord Mills Mall. The kiosk chain's owner shared e-mail correspondence with NewsChannel 36 that explains that the mall management has decided that the items sold are not 'neutral' enough"
The "biting" message ticked off somebody who complained to the mall owner and wrote a letter to the Charlotte Observer. And then the mall owner decided the conservative business was kiosk non grata. And that's how much your constitutional rights are worth on private property, even if you pay your rent.

1 comment:

  1. More ridiculousness. I wonder, if the first amendment didn't exist today, could we ever manage to create it? I know we would never have libraries if someone had tried to establish them in this environment.
