Thursday, July 02, 2009

City of Casselberry backs down

Consumer health: Orlando "Populist outrage and plain fairness caused the Casselberry City Commission to ditch a new code requiring trucks with racks for ladders, pipe and other tools of serious work to be parked in garages or carports, which many truck owners did not have. The code had no provision for appeal or grandfathering current residents — stupid.

'Had a packed house at the commissioners' meeting,' reported plumber Mark Long. 'They canceled all enforcement on this code and decided to write a new one letting us park in the driveway if we take everything off the racks. No way this is perfect, but I don't know if we can get any more. I will keep on top of them and rally the troops if needed.' Power to the plumbers!"

Thanks to Beth Young for the update on this ridiculous idea. Cities need to stop emulating HOAs.

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