Thursday, July 09, 2009

The Association Movie

The Association Movie See below--this is Andrew Wahlquist's web site about "The Association."


  1. We've lost our innocence. I can remember a time when this term evoked far more positive feelings and "Along Comes Mary" was playing on the radio.

  2. This trailer aptly captures a number of the top complaints by homeowners that aren't "isolated instances" but rather the modus operandi of the agents of the HOAs. Can't wait to see the movie.

  3. Graet for Andrew and Jonathan, thatv they are getting closer to a release date. Please listen to Andrew's interview on:

    Wahlquist and Shapiro
    On The Commons with us this week is Andrew Wahlquist. Andrew wrote a screen play and is making a movie about associations called "The Association". He has been working in Hollywood as a writer and in the film business and this is his first venture into producing a movie. He chose to bring some of the issues we deal with to the forefront on the silver screen. We'll talk to him and find out what his inspiration was and where he plans to take his career from here.
