Monday, June 08, 2009

VOA News - US Unemployment Rate Gallops Ahead of Expectations

VOA News - US Unemployment Rate Gallops Ahead of Expectations: "'The economy clearly has gotten substantially worse from the initial predictions that were being made, not just by the White House, but by all of the private sector,' said Austan Goolsbee."
Goolsbee is on the President's Council of Economic Advisors. The point is that unemployment has gotten much worse than the President's people anticipated. The government has borrowed gazillions of dollars for the Democrat-backed, Republican-opposed, stimulus bill but so far there isn't any stimulation. Eventually we, the taxpayers, will have to pay it back in the form of higher taxes. We are already paying higher state and local taxes, which is eating up some of that non-stimulating stimulus.

This isn't looking good. Let's hope we see a turnaround soon.

1 comment:

  1. The only thing the Obama regime has been successful at stimulating is unemployment.
