Tuesday, June 30, 2009

States brace for shutdowns - Los Angeles Times

States brace for shutdowns - Los Angeles Times: "Indiana is one of five states -- along with Arizona, California, Mississippi and Pennsylvania -- bracing for possible shutdowns this week as time runs out for lawmakers to close billion-dollar gaps in their fiscal 2010 budgets.

Of the 46 states whose fiscal year ends today, 32 did not have budgets passed and approved by their governors as of Monday afternoon, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Although the majority of those are expected to pass eleventh-hour budgets, the fiscal futures of a handful remain uncertain, said Todd Haggerty, an NCSL research analyst."

Just heard that the Illinois House has come up with a great solution: borrow $2.3 billion. Way to cut that Gordian Knot, guys.

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