Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Shriver: Budget choices confound Californians

Shriver: Budget choices confound Californians: "Californians seem to want it all, says first lady Maria Shriver. They oppose billions of dollars in cuts to address the state's massive budget deficit but are not willing to pay more for the services they enjoy."
True. And well known. The definitive book on the Proposition 13 property tax revolt that set the state on the road to catastrophe back in 1978 is titled, Tax Revolt: Something for Nothing in California. Jack Citrin and David Sears had it exactly right. Californians want the goodies from government but they don't want to pay for them. And in my opinion, the Obama administration, backed by a majority of the public, is presently embarked on one great big attempt to do the same thing nationwide. The inevitable failure will be much more dramatic.

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