Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Serious or Not: Disincorporation Talks Swirl Around California Municipalities

Serious or Not: Disincorporation Talks Swirl Around California Municipalities: "With the recession making its impact everywhere, local municipalities find themselves in an ever-increasing state of financial stress, and searching for new ways to cope.

Now some California municipalities are thinking the once un-thinkable, disincorporation.
Upon disincorporation, a city or town's powers as a municipality are surrendered to the state and county. The city or town ceases to have further duties and all of the city or town offices cease to exist.

This process could allow residents to avoid paying local taxes, escape the costs of local services and pensions, and get other services more cheaply by sharing the costs with the surrounding county."

There hasn't been a disincorporation in California since 1972, according to the article.

1 comment:

  1. The problem is as the article notes is the next layer of government above the cities is counties and in California, they too are broke or about to go broke. And the state itself is projected to run out of money in less than two months.
