Saturday, June 20, 2009

Residents Upset Over Reality TV Show Taping In Neighborhood - News Story - WSB Atlanta

Residents Upset Over Reality TV Show Taping In Neighborhood - News Story - WSB Atlanta: "Just like the walls themselves, the show is dividing neighborhood residents.

“I’m very upset about it. It generates a lot of noise … it’s a safety and security hazard,” Altman said. We're being told what we can and can't do. It's almost like we are in a prison camp here.'

Altman also complains about the constant traffic backups, crew workers going in and out, the cranes and other heavy equipment.

Altman and other homeowners also criticize the homeowner’s association for violating its own covenants by allowing the community to be turned into a giant Hollywood set.

'There's been people fined for having a little 1-foot statue of the Georgia Bulldog on their porch … and they let this happen,' said Altman."

So...the covenants are becoming an issue in this bizarre "reality" show.


  1. I was amused by the many comments on WSB-Tv's website about HOAs in general. Few had anything good to say about them. It appears to me the whole HOA concept has a huge public image problem, and this is feeding that bad image.

    I also thing that HOAs would be a fitting target for a series of Jerry Springer shows.

  2. Anonymous said...
    "I also thing that HOAs would be a fitting target for a series of Jerry Springer shows."
    my opinion is that, in reality the horrors inflicted by many of these board members and their associates, would put Jerry Springer's show to shame. Springer's show is like a day at girl scout camp compared to some of the creative, destructive, really sociopathic, activities ongoing, in some of these groups.
    Some of these are scary places and no one should wonder why the comments are what they are.
    Google homeowner association hell, or homeowner association problems. Read the citidata blogs,
    eyes wide open! Really a shame though, and I know many decent board members and their associates, who follow the law, respect civil rights and liberties, respect privacy, who would never dream of creatively and illegally inflicting such pain, financial devastation and homelessness. What appears to be going on is NOT how nonprofits are run!
    I guess those good groups, and responsible educated people are fading away!

  3. You all need to find Taffy and Andy Rice:
    Google them and...
    Georgia News
    Some from site:

    September 24, 2008

    Weapons of Mass Contempt

    September 24, 2008

    by Taffy Rice © 2008 Taffy Rice
    Website: AHRC News

    The world is being asked to believe Americans cannot save or manage finances, while judges working in tandem with bankers, and local politicians, are literally and freely robbing Americans of their life's work, livelihoods, and liberty. But speak of these facts and you to could be charged with contempt, on a closed case, and even for a property you do not own!

    Read More... | View comments (5)

    AHRC CSI - (Crime Scene Investigation)
    CAI and CIA Interests Continue Assaults

    April 13, 2008

    by Taffy Rice © 2008 Taffy Rice
    Website: AHRC News

    Attacks on homeowners and AHRC have repeatedly sought to silence the voices of those, who have continuously revealed the true sources and intent of those seeking to foreclose upon America. When the website was taken down by a paid service provider, the financial status of the company and involved players, spoke volumes. But AHRC has continued to act as a public service to all Americans, where no other dared to tread.

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    In addition:

    The list goes on and on...
    Read the citi-data blogs on these places if you have a lifetime to do absolutely nothing else.
