Sunday, June 21, 2009

Report: New light shed on lawmakers' secretive grants |

Report: New light shed on lawmakers' secretive grants | "Never-before-released records obtained by the AP through a request filed under the new state Right-to-Know Law revealed some counties that are home to top legislators were targeted to receive disproportionately more legislative grant money during the last half of 2008.

The records, released by the governor's office, show legislators lodged special grant requests totaling more than $110 million from July 1 through December — more than $430,000 on average for each of Pennsylvania's 253 lawmakers."

Thanks to Cynthia Stephens for this link--sounds like Pennsylvania is a lot like Illinois.

1 comment:

  1. "sounds like Pennsylvania is a lot like Illinois." I submitt to your knowledge, experience and expertise on this issue, Dr. Mckenzie. I do believe areas of Pennsylvania are far worse when it comes to the HOA/COA/CID issues and abuse, though. Vulnerable populations being the worst victimized, in my opinion. Look into the PA Human Relations Commissions Cases filed that appear to go ignored, victims are run around, or labled as "whiners." Nothing could be further from the truth.
    If no one hears about these people, or stands up for them, there is no justice.
    I have seen the numerous emails that have gone to Pennsylvania Senator Robert Casey's Office, Rep. Paul Kanjorski's Office, Pennsylavnia Attorney General Tom Corbett's Office, countless media outlets and publications, within the state, etc. One advocate, Robert Metcalf, has personally written to and lobbied just about every elected official in accountability, within the state, including Covernor Ed Rendell, for consumer protections and public awareness. Robert Metcalf's writings (HOA Gravy Train, and numerous other's) are on the, Pennsylvania, scroll down and an interview with Mr. Metcalf is on the www.onthecommons website. That link is
    It is my understanding there are few homeowner attorneys, especially, within certain areas of the state. The elected officials responsible in Pennsylvania, along with the governmentv agencies, WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE, YET DO NOTHING, should be ashamed of themselves.
