Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Preserving Freedom of Expression or Property Rights? For GOP, It Depends

Preserving Freedom of Expression or Property Rights? For GOP, It Depends: "When it comes to putting up a flag, Republican legislators are gung-ho about putting property rights on the back burner and supporting the right of residents to do what they wish. When it comes to putting up a clothesline, Republican legislators suddenly are very much interested in property rights and rather uninterested in the right of residents to do what they wish. That’s interesting."
Post from a State of Maine blogger that highlights the GOP's apparent ambivalence over who to side with in HOA disputes.

1 comment:

  1. The truth is that both major political parties have been complicit and enabling of the systematic dilution and destruction of the property rights that traditionally accrued to those who purchase their own homes.

    Today's brand of "home ownership" in CIDs is not really ownership at all, but rather an expensive form of tenancy, carefully crafted to benefit local governments, specialized attorneys, developers, and of course the CAI and its constituencies. The owner is the chump who winds up with the bills, but few or no real rights to that for which he has paid.

    Home ownership used to be an article of pride in this country, but now with the rise of CIDs, it only means that you have set yourself up contractually to be raped, robbed, and pillaged.
