Thursday, June 11, 2009

Real life Arthur Dent: Homeowner Says Crews Demolished Wrong House - News Story - WSB Atlanta

Homeowner Says Crews Demolished Wrong House - News Story - WSB Atlanta
The demolition company says they have paperwork. "“I said, ‘Paperwork for what?’ and he said, ‘For the house, to demolish the house.’ I said, ‘I’m the owner of the house, I haven’t given anybody any authority to demolish this house,’” said Byrd. Where is Ford Prefect when you need him?


  1. This guy should have grounds for a very BIG lawsuit! In fact, I hope he sues them into oblivion. Anyone stupid enough to rely only on GPS data for such a thing deserves to be taken to the cleaners.

    I saw this story on the TV news here in Atlanta last night and still cannot believe it.

  2. I'm also boggled by the fact that whoever ordered the demolition apparently didn't even show up to make sure the crew got it right. And that the demolition crew didn't insist that the guy show up.
