Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Holy Toledo! City acting like an HOA

Toledo, OH: People getting tickets for parking in their own driveways: "TOLEDO, Ohio (AP) -- Some people in Ohio complain they received $25 parking tickets last week when their vehicles were parked in their own driveways.

Toledo Mayor Carty Finkbeiner defends the citations, saying they were issued under a city law against parking on unpaved surfaces -- including gravel driveways. The mayor, who's facing a recall vote, says he stands by the city's acting commissioner of Streets, Bridges and Harbor, Susan Frederick, who wrote the tickets.

During a news conference Monday, Finkbeiner ignored a reporter's question of whether the crackdown and fines are at all related to the city's budget crisis."

This is turning into a race for the bottom between cities and HOAs. Who can be the most petty and tyrannical?

1 comment:

  1. This is the same thing that the city of Houston is doing - except that the "ordinance" is adopted by the HOA to empower the city to fine people for parking on their own driveways. The ordinance does not apply to the city as a whole and the ordinance makes such parking a CRIMINAL offense. See:

    Of course is only needs a statement by the "president" of the homeowners association or civic club. Although HOAs have mandatory membership, civic clubs are voluntary membership. This "ordinance" purports to allow a civic club to vote to impose an ordinance on people who aren't even members of the civic club.

    Also the idea that such parking is harming property values is absurd. These are areas that had no such prohibition before. If this was about "preservation" of things as they are, then you would think that would protect existing uses rather than eliminating them.
