Saturday, June 06, 2009

HOA trying to get road fixed

Road So Bad It Deployed Driver's Airbag - News Story - WFTV Orlando: "The sandy stretch through west Canaveral Groves is riddled with so many grooves and ruts, drivers find themselves fish-tailing down the road. People have been complaining about it for years, but recently they're demands for a fix have been growing louder. 'Now, not soon, now. We need to get the county to help us and do it,' Canaveral Groves resident Monte Wimberley said. It is a dirt road, so no one is expecting it to be smooth sailing, but the road is extremely rough. In some places, it's hard to control the steering wheel and residents say it's costing them thousands in auto repairs...The homeowner's association has obtained an attorney. They say they are trying, on their own, to find money for the work, but they want assurances from the county the money will be spent on the road and not somewhere else."
Dirt roads, in 2009? This is happening in Florida, not Khazakhstan.

1 comment:

  1. Khazakhstan greatest country in the world.

    American HOAs are run by little girls.
