Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Check out Koreen Kruger's blog. Thanks to Fred Pilot for the tip.


  1. This woman is very gifted, in producing videos about HOA's,COA's(CID's). If you have not seen her other shorts, youtube has them. The link is
    This link is also on the HOA RESISTERS site this article is linked to. I know Shu Bartholomew, and some others notable, were sent this woman's info a while back. lets hope Ms. Kruger keeps up the good work!

  2. The Resistance is growing to the corporate menace known as private local government, or more specifically, home "owner" associations. The more people who know the true nature of these beasts, the harder it will be to sell housing controlled by them.

  3. "the harder it will be to sell housing controlled by them."
    I believe this is true and I believe it is true now. Read any of the city data blogs and especially, those from North Carolina. Very telling. I do not believe this state has the most problems within these groups, in the country, but many are talking about the ones that exist.
    The mainstream press needs to be better at reporting the true cases, the facts and the nanes, no matter who these abusers are!
    Those families who have been victimized, deserve to be rectified.
